Alexandre Perroca

Alexandre Perroca 

Alexandre Perroca est un photographe italo-brésilien, diplômé en architecture et titulaire d’un master en communication visuelle à l'Université de São Paulo. Professeur des universités dans les domaines du Design et de la Mode, sa production photographique se concentre sur la mode, la publicité et le portrait.

Depuis son installation à Paris en 2019, sa production visuelle a intégré l'illustration de mode dans ses photographies, et avec cela il a développé le concept innovant qu’il appellera PHOTOCROQUIS, objet de cette exposition.


Alexandre Perroca is an Italo-Brazilian photographer, holding a degree in architecture and a master's degree in visual communication from the University of São Paulo. He is a university professor in the fields of Design and Fashion, and his photographic work focuses on fashion, advertising, and portrait photography.

Since his move to Paris in 2019, his visual production has incorporated fashion illustration into his photographs, and with this, he has developed the innovative concept he calls PHOTOCROQUIS, which is the subject of this exhibition.